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It's Official!!

Updated: Nov 7, 2020

On October 21, 2020 I published my FIRST EVER children's book!

To celebrate this exciting new adventure I am offering the title at an incredible discount. Only $14.99 (plus shipping)! Check out my home page for more details :)

Why did I write this book?

Writing has been in my blood since birth. I used to make lists as a little girl bout all the things I wanted to do when I grew up and there were always three consistent things that kept battling it out for their space beside "#1." Those things were: Author, Artist, Vet.

Whenever I saw a stack of blank, unadulterated paper I would get this longing in my very soul to bring those pages to life! A drawing, a combination of words (usually some sort of bad rhyming scheme), even just blocks of colour. They called to me.

Fast forward and life for that little girl got pretty busy. Writing, and drawing, were a hobby I rarely took the time to dabble in anymore.

Fast forward a little more, and now I have kids. Not only do I have kids, but I am homeschooling these children! Hello, reawakening of creative brain cells! I love to make up stories for my kids, read everything I can get my hands on to them, and teach them through living books whenever I get the chance! It was a natural next step for me to begin putting some things to paper (or, rather to computer nowadays).

Two years ago I wrote out what is now "What are YOU made of? Life Lessons From Nature". I was hearing people labelling our generation and the generation we are raising as the "Snowflake Generations". I didn't like the sounds of that.

We do not want to raise kids who "melt" every time they are faced with a challenge. We want them to learn to stand up tall, look that challenge in the eye and say "bring it on!"

That's why I began this story. I wanted to show my kids that the God who made them, the God who LOVES them, the God who has unimaginable plans for them... he can hold them in hard times. His strength is always enough, and it is made perfect in our weakness. Not only does he promise this but in his infinite creativity and kindness he has placed all throughout his creation examples of his good character. This book highlights four of those things.

If you, like me, have a desire to teach our kids resilience in Christ, to show them that we can trust his big picture view, to show them what beauty can come from persevering through hard things, and if you also want to check the box for your Science lesson for the day, then this book is right for you.

I hope you are inspired and encouraged as you share the stories of these four characters with your children. I hope it speaks to your heart and opens your eyes to notice all of the other treasures, great and small, that God places throughout our days as reminders of his goodness and his strength.

- Caitlin

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